

Q: How long does shipping usually take?

Most orders arrive within 4-7 business days of the shipping date, however, it can take up to 10 business days for orders to arrive but this is a rare occurrence.

Q: How are payments processed?

Our pricing is based in USD. All payments and financial details such as credit card numbers are dealt with directly by the PayPal gateway to ensure your privacy. PayPal is the safest and most secure payment gateway worldwide and you don’t need a PayPal account to complete a transaction. You can pay via PayPal with any credit or debit card. Or if you have a PayPal account you can use your own funds.

Q: I have a question that isn’t here! How can I ask?

If there’s something you need help with and it’s not listed in the FAQ’s please feel free to contact us via the Contact form on the site.

Q: What is your return policy?

If you receive an item and it doesn’t fit, you changed your mind or you simply don’t like it then you can contact us and we will process a return request for you. Each request will be assessed on an individual basis.
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